Sunday, October 31, 2010

Election Day is coming

And there are so many things to think about! Who is the best candidate? Are there any good candidates at all? Should we just pick the lesser of two evils? Who should we be considering while voting....ourselves, or the state/country as a whole? So many things to consider!

Our small group has been doing a lot of research on the candidates and thank the Lord that we have a WONDERFUL couple in our group that are extremely knowledgeable on how the government works and who does what within it. They have been a wealth of knowledge for all of us! As a group we have prayed much about the upcoming elections. We have asked the He show us who to vote for and we have also prayed for those currently in office. It is in the Bible that we need to pray for our government officials. God will never put anyone in office that isn't supposed to be there even if we don't understand it at the time!

1 Timothy 2:1-2 (New International Version)

1I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone2for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness

I have also seen MANY people say that they don't vote according to religious convictions. They vote according to the issues affecting our country now. Well, I have to say that "I" feel that if we don't vote according to what is right, good and holy, then how do we expect our country to flourish? A Godless country is one that is susceptible to failure. I think that our voting should have EVERYTHING to do with God's commands and what is right in His eyes. We need to see how these candidates voted when it comes to the definition of marriage, abortion and many other things. Do not get me wrong, I am ALL ABOUT fighting socialized medicine, fighting gun control, and many other things that threaten our nation. I think those are just as important as moral issues. I just pray that everyone who goes out to vote on Tuesday has done their homework and knows who they are voting for and why.

In the next two days, I urge everyone to pray with me. Pray hard that we are shown the direction we need to take. Pray that those who DO get into office do a good job at running our country. Pray Pray Pray.

Here is an interesting link that I found today while doing some research. It is very clearly in both the new and old testament showing that not only does it apply to people following very strict rules as in the old testament before the new covenant, but in the new testament as to how we are to live today.

Here is another great link.

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