Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Unless you are young mom with preschoolers, you may not even know what MOPS is! I didn't know until my friend from CA introduced me to it. MOPS stands for Mothers Of PreSchoolers. It is a group of moms with kids under kindergarten age that get together twice a month and just have an overall great time for two hours while our kids are being babysat safely in the next room with qualified volunteers keeping them happy and busy! This is a group that has started in my hometown in September and I am so excited to be a part of it! I am a part of the Steering Team Leaders and it feels great to have such a great feeling of accomplishment and to finally have someone depending on me again besides my children. Although I love being a SAHM, and I wouldn't trade this opportunity for the world, it is so nice to feel needed again! The other moms in the group are just awesome and I have made some good friends in the process.
We get to have motivational speakers who come and talk about this season of motherhood, we have crafts, great homemade food, and a great time just socializing. It is a Christian-based group, but not in a threatening or pushy manor. We get to share Christ with all types of women and show them how great it is to have Him in our lives. I feel truly blessed to have this opportunity and I wanted to urge other young mothers to look for a local MOPS group because it may just change your life!!

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